Thank you, investors! Our program does not exist without support from about 40 companies who see the value of this learning experience and help fund it.
To thank them, we hosted our Annual Investors Breakfast on Thursday at Flesor's Candy Kitchen in Tuscola.
It's a busy time of year, so understandably not all investors could make it, but we were happy to share our progress this semester and plans for next semester with those that could make it. We hope you enjoyed breakfast and meeting us as much as we enjoyed meeting you!
And for those investors who could not make it, we will be stopping by in the coming weeks with a Christmas gift from the Illini Prairie CEO Class of 2025!
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
If you, or your company is interested in investing in Illini Prairie CEO, email .
#entrepreneur Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship Arcola Jr. Sr. High School - Arcola, IL Arthur CUSD #305 Sullivan Chamber & Economic Development TrustBank Tuscola Peoples Bank & Trust MasterBrand Cabinets
Other News From Around The Same Time
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