Have you checked out our new website? www.illiniprairieceo.com

It's a great place to see how our students are learning outside of the classroom in the businesses you drive by everyday.

Other News From Around The Same Time

"We're just learning as we go." - Mikayla Morfey, Edgewood Farm German Christmas Market, Atwood  At Edgewood Farm, north of Atwood, Illinois, the German Christmas Market is a family ...

"We're just learning as we go." - Mikayla Morfey, Edgewood Farm German Christmas Market, Atwood At Edgewood Farm, north of Atwood, Illinois, the German Christmas Market is a family ...

"Leap of faith."   That's how Sam Shelmadine described the moment she and her husband, Cody, decided to open a coffee shop - with absolutely no business experience.  Hometown Grounds ...

"Leap of faith." That's how Sam Shelmadine described the moment she and her husband, Cody, decided to open a coffee shop - with absolutely no business experience. Hometown Grounds ...

Thank you, investors! Our program does not exist without support from about 40 companies who see the value of this learning experience and help fund it.   To thank them, we hosted our ...

Thank you, investors! Our program does not exist without support from about 40 companies who see the value of this learning experience and help fund it. To thank them, we hosted our ...

"Go with your gut. You might fail every once in awhile, but you'll be right a lot." Amanda Glazebrook, Risk Manager and Compliance Officer for Transport Services of Sullivan, walked ...

Tomorrow morning's Investors Breakfast has been moved to Flesor's Candy Kitchen. We can't wait to see you! There is still time to RSVP! Please email facilitator@illliniprairieceo.com ...

Tomorrow morning's Investors Breakfast has been moved to Flesor's Candy Kitchen. We can't wait to see you! There is still time to RSVP! Please email facilitator@illliniprairieceo.com ...